As with any installation and fabrication project, a top-tier mobile enhancement retailer can take the task of integrating a radar detector into your car or truck and turn it into a work of art. In most cases, these elaborate installations make the control panels, displays and laser detection sensors appear as though they are part of the vehicle rather than an accessory.
Radar Detector Control Panels
Whether you have chosen products from Escort, K40, Radenso, AL Priority or Stinger, how the control panel and display are integrated into your vehicle is important from both a functionality and an aesthetic perspective. Being able to access the control panel for a laser defense system is important to completing the Jam to Kill process quickly and efficiently.

Laser Transceiver Installations
While easy access to a control panel can make the interior of the vehicle look tidy, how the laser sensors, shifters or transceivers are mounted plays a role in ensuring that the exterior retains a stock appearance. Using IR-transparent plastic and custom mounting brackets and pods can truly transform the look of the installation.

Attention to Detail
Sometimes, attention to detail extends beyond the task of proper integration to include details that set a retailer apart from his or her competition.

Partner with the Best
If you are shopping for a radar detector and laser defense system, the way the product is installed plays a significant roll in its performance. Aside from the technical requirements for sensor placement and alignment, cosmetic integration is what separates a solution that is “installed” from one that is truly integrated with the vehicle. Visit your local specialty mobile enhancement retailer today to find out what they can design and fabricate to protect you and your vehicle from speeding tickets.