It’s April 1st once again, and that means it’s time for another look at car audio installations that have gone awry. The images you’ll see are prime examples of why only a genuine professional should be the only person to upgrade your car or truck. Whether it’s an amplifier installation, a remote car starter integration or a simple lighting upgrade, ensuring that the results offer the best possible performance and are safe, secure and reliable is the only way to go.
Wire Me Up!
Let’s start with some examples of how not to connect wires to car radios or amplifiers. Safe and organized wiring isn’t just for cosmetics. Knowing that everything is properly connected means that current and signals flow unimpeded and reliably. More importantly, improper wire routing is a safety issue that can lead to serious damage or fires.

Speakers and Subwoofers
Folks, installing speakers and subwoofers into your car or truck is a process that requires planning. Often you’ll need a small amount of fabrication when you want a different size speaker in a door or the dash. The speakers need to be secure and must be mounted so that sound can’t get around them. Subwoofer enclosures have to be bolted down, or they might be a liability in the event of an accident. As you’ll see, it’s worth pointing out that subwoofers need enclosures, period.

Remote Starters Stop Here
So many people who should never be allowed to look under the dash of a car or truck are installing remote car starters. Aside from delivering systems with questionable performance, these wiring and integration nightmares are a recipe for leaving the vehicle owner stranded. So please, be picky with who you let install the remote car starter on your vehicle. Ask to see examples of their work. Then, if you see anything like what’s shown in the photographs below, keep shopping for an installer.

Keep Yourself Safe with a Professional Installation
I’ve said it dozens of times, and it appears I’ll have to say it 100 more: If you’re having someone upgrade your car, truck, motorcycle, boat, side-by-side or even your lawn tractor, make sure they are qualified to do the work. Just because someone owns or works at a car stereo shop doesn’t automatically mean they have the tools, training and commitment to quality necessary to ensure that the items you have purchased will function properly and that your vehicle will remain safe and reliable. If expertise costs a few dollars more, it’s worth every penny!
Lead-In Image: Thanks to Troy Dionne from Xclusiv Audio in Fairfield, Maine, for this epic amplifier installation photo!